Yetoy To Khatoy is a Marathi Natak written by Vijay Kuvalekar, directed by Hrushikesh Joshi and produced by Suyog Productions. Yetoy Toh Khatoy Natak stars an ensemble cast of Santosh Pawar, Hrushikesh Joshi, Bhargavi Chirmuley, Mayura Ranade, Swapnil Rajshekhar, Adhokshaj Karhade, Rushikesh Vamburkar, Salim Mulla, etc. Continue reading to get all the Yetoy To Khatoy Natak Info only on रंगभूमी.com.
The producers of Yetoy to Khatoy marathi natak are Kanchan Sudhir Bhat, Mohan Damle, Milan Topkar, Chandrashekhar Aathalye.
On this page, you will find the upcoming shows and schedule for Yetoy To Khatoy as well as all the details about the Marathi Natak.